If you happen to feel as though you're not meeting your full potential, could be you simply have too many bad habits.
Bad habits = bad results.
Bad habits can very easily become things that we pick up without even noticing it. These are habits that tend to become our second-nature, and effortlessly work against us keeping us from becoming successful.
There are also habits that are almost always universal in successful people.
Identifying the traits from both groups can help you to determine the faults you need to work on, and help you to appreciate the qualities you need to strive for.
The Difference Between Successful And Unsuccessful People
When it comes to unsuccessful people, here are a few traits to look for. Do any of these sound familiar:
1. Acting before they think.
2. An intense fear of change.
3. A tendency to criticize, without offering anything practical.
4. An overwhelming sense of entitlement.
5. An inability to set goals of any kind.
6. An inability to set goals that are realistic and actionable.
7. A tendency to blame other people, when things go wrong.
8. Talking more than listening.
9. A reputation for wasting time.
10. An inability to know what they want to accomplish, or who they want to be.
11. Getting to the point in which they simply stop learning.
12. A reputation for hording essential information.
Here are a few things you're almost always going to find with successful people:
1. An ability to track their progress.
2. An ability to learn from mistakes.
3. A desire to succeed in everything they do.
4. A desire and willingness to take risks.
5. A tendency to create and follow to-do lists.
6. A reputation for being humble.
7. A willingness to accept responsibility for their failures.
8. An ability to embrace change.
9. A willingness to share information with others.
10. An ability to create and carry out goals.
11. A reputation for complimenting others.
12. An eagerness to engage in an exchange of ideas with others.
These lists above represent only a small portion of habits you're going to find with either successful or unsuccessful people. Study these lists and think are there any ways in which you can improve your current standing in your place of business or anything you want to be successful at. It may sound simple, but usually the simple things are golden.
The 15 Winning Characteristics of the Happiest, Most Successful People
Some people make living their best life and creating success look so easy, don't they? And yet, many successful people will tell you it's not actually easy for them, they just rely on their strengths to pull them forward and over the rough spots.
Below are 15 characteristics of the happiest, most successful people I know and have had the privilege of knowing. Use this list as a guide, not an end all and be all. I doubt any one person is strong in all of these areas, but some come close.
1. Willing
Successful people are willing to dig in, do the work and learn new things. They're simply willing to do whatever it takes to create the life they want.
2. Open
Successful people are open to new ideas. They don't close themselves off from information that might help them.
3. Courageous
Often, successful people are risk-takers, but more importantly they're courageous. They tap into the courage that lives deep in them and use it to break ground, try new things and put themselves out in front.
4. Decisive
There's an old adage that says be quick to make a decision and slow to change it. Successful people do just that. They don't vacillate or sit on the fence. They decide and move forward. Indecisiveness will kill momentum.
5. Love Learning
Have you ever seen a successful person's personal library? It's usually packed full! Successful people are willing to invest in themselves, either through reading, attending seminars or workshops. They know they don't have all the answers so they seek people that have the answers they're looking for.
6. Committed
Commitment provides the fuel - the energy - to keep moving forward. Successful people know what they care about and have committed themselves, on a deep level, to getting it.
7. Persistent
No such thing as "giving up" in a successful person's mind. Just like the Energizer Bunny, they keep going and going. As they say, success is 98% showing up, 2% talent.
8. Adaptable/Flexible
Simply said, successful people go with the flow. Ride the wave. Rigidity is the kiss of death in creating anything you want. Successful people have the ability to switch course as needed. This allows them to stay present to world around them, being more aware of opportunities as they arise.
9. Creative
We all have an innate sense to create in our lives. Successful people have learned to tap into their creative spark and do so in a way that enriches their lives and the world around them.
10. Balanced
The happiest and most successful people usually lead well-balanced lives. They take time for their families and fun times. They celebrate the whole of their lives, not just parts of it.
11. Spiritual
Often, successful people have a deep commitment to their spiritual side. They understand their life is so much more and the source of their power comes from a source deep within. They allow their spirits to guide them.
12. Purposeful
Living a meaningful life starts with a sense of purpose. Successful and happy people have usually spent time considering their unique purpose in life and have taken steps to fulfill that purpose.
13. Fun-loving
Living your best life doesn't mean work, work, work! Taking time out for fun times and relaxation are important elements in creating a life that works well and feels great. Have you heard where CEO's on the coast in California have started holding board meetings? That's board like in surfboard! They meet early in the morning for some sun, sand and surf. They say it does wonders to boost creativity and gives them a fun atmosphere in which to connect with new people. Networking at its very best!
14. Possess Clarity
To create success you need to be able to leverage your strengths. Successful people know who they are, what they want and how they're going to get it. They've learned to leverage their strengths and passions.
15. Patient
Success takes time to build. Successful people, who are also happy, have learned to allow the things they want to arrive in there own perfect timing. They honor the natural flow of life and seldom push to get what they want.
Habits of Successful People and Unsuccessful People
Reviewed by David Stevens
9:22 AM

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