There are several definitive characteristics of an Alpha Male that we can talk about. Becoming an alpha male is really just about mastering the characteristics that make someone an alpha male and not being scared to move forward and make changes in your life.
In Control- First and foremost, the alpha male is always in control of his life and whatever situation he might be in. This does not mean that he is bossing anyone around or being rude, just that he has a control of his life and is not afraid to get what he wants. Lets say for example the alpha male goes out to a club or a bar with his friends he might want to be the one to drive because he wants to be in control of his situation and knows if he is driving he has control of the situation. This is talked about more on my site but the alpha male is not struggling to pay rent or asking for money because he has taken the time to get in control of his life before going out.
Earns Respect- The alpha male does not hope that one day people will respect him, he knows that his actions today will influence how people see him in the future. Treat people well and do not let people see you in a bad or negative light. If you get wasted and make a scene in front of a lot of people you cannot expect people to expect you because no matter what they will remember you getting drunk and making a fool of yourself. Treat people with respect and they will notice.
Positive Attitude- You are not going to see the alpha male complaining about how life has been so hard on him and how he is struggling to pay his bills and does not have any money and is not happy. The alpha male knows the power of a positive outlook, only boys sit and dwell on the past and men look forward to the future and try to improve their situations and sets goals with the full intention of reaching them. Think about how much time you spend being negative and think about how being positive might impact your situation.
Knows how to dress- Knowing how to dress is crucial and it is a turn off to see people in tennis shoes from 10 years ago and a dirty wrinkled t shirt walking around. You want to create an air of success, think about it, I am sure you have some clothes in your closet that if you were to get them crisp and put together a nice outfit you would look quite successful. Shoes are critical here and can really help out if you don't have nice clothes. Also, get some nice cologne too, you want to create a positive image of yourself.
Confident. Above all else the alpha is confident. He is aware of his strengths and weaknesses, but has no concern for what others think. He has a high degree of self respect and values himself greatly. This is not to say he is arrogant, just that he is sure of himself. Self assurance and conviction are two of the hallmarks of an alpha.
Integrity. The alpha has strong convictions and stands by them. He has consistency in his actions and has the moral fiber to make a stand when it is needed.
Communicator. The alpha is a great communicator both verbal and non-verbal. He shows his feelings through positive body language and can express his thoughts clearly and concisely verbally as well. He is very charismatic and people trust him often due to his display of these verbal and non-verbal communication skills. He is eloquent when he speaks, but he is also good about truly listening and giving someone his full attention when they are speaking.
Stylish. This does not mean that he is a "fashion plate" and always wearing the latest designers. It does mean that he has some sense of style (or can fake it). The style reflects his personality, if he is a snowboarder, a businessman or a teacher he dresses as such and brings it off with class and dignity. An Alpha Male knows that the "clothes make the man" and while he would never be overly concerned about trivial things like fashion he is well groomed and well presented.
Positive attitude. An alpha always presents a positive attitude. Negativity and self doubt just are not for an alpha. They have a real, "can do" spirit and their positivity can be infectious. It should always be fun and exciting to be around an alpha male. That is the reason people unconsciously look to the alpha male for cues on what they should and should not do. He is the leader of the fun as well as the serious.
Leader - in any group, you can spot right on the leader. He's the one that moves deliberately, doesn't fidget, speaks with authority, and radiates confidence.
There are low value behaviors but an alpha male is over and beyond that. He's relaxed and in the moment and at a glance you can see that women are drawn to his strength and charm.
Humor - one very important alpha male characteristic is humor. He can tease and joke around all day long. Alpha guys are not afraid that their jokes might not be funny. They simply do what they want to do. Of course you need social intelligence and practice to be able to do that correctly.
On the other side a Beta guy will start fidgeting when saying a joke, which makes the delivery of the joke seems creepy. Beta males worry too much what other people might say, that's the reason they cannot relax and just live in the moment.
Calm Confidence - confidence is the one major thing that makes the big difference between alpha and beta males. The true alpha doesn't try to look confident, he simply is.
Strong body language. He maintains good posture, even if it's tiring or painful. He makes eye contact with people. He takes up space. His gestures and eye movements are slow and deliberate.
He doesn't qualify himself. A natural alpha doesn't feel the need to explain or apologize for his behavior, nor does he find it necessary to prove himself to others or brag about his success. He's pleased if you like him, but he doesn't care if you don't.
He is the center of attention. He will often physically be in the center of a group, and other members of the interaction will be oriented towards him. He leads conversations, tells jokes, and makes decisions for the entire group.
He is calm and confident. He doesn't act nervous around women or other dominant men, and he doesn't feel the need to act tough or fake self-esteem in order to appear self-assured.
He is not easily impressed. Because the natural alpha is a high achiever, he is not easily impressed with the achievements of others. He maintains high standards in all situations, and only lets women of high-value earn his attention.
Leadership .In every group there is the dominant (leader), and the follower. One quick look at the group, and you know who the alpha is. The "top dog." The one leading the conversation, the one everyone agree with. The one who "sets the tone." This is a vital alpha male characteristic.
Undisputable Confidence.This is the main difference between the alphas and the betas. What separates the men from the boys. Confidence. You must convey to the world that you don't care what anyone thinks. What they do. How they behave. This, without a doubt, is the most crucial alpha male characteristic.
You live in your own reality. your own terms. The whole world is your playground for you to play. You don't fear rejection, because it doesn't bother you. YOU are the best thing that can happen to that girl, and if he doesn't want it, it's her loss. Starting to get it?
This is actually one of the characteristics, that all the people who achieved self-fulfilment, share. I look at it as a twist to confidence. If you don't care, and even enjoy, when people try to diss you (humorously or not), you must have supreme confidence. And like we said before, this is one hell of an alpha male characteristic.
Leadership! The number 1 alpha characteristic is the ability to lead! This really isn't all that hard. If you think about any leaders that you know then you'll probably agree that what they tend to do is make all of the suggestions for your group. You can gradually usurp the alpha male of your group by being the one yourself who makes the decisions. You can do this by starting to make suggestions for what you can all do. Use words like "lets" do this instead of "do you want" to do this! Don't be afraid to lead!
Always be calm under pressure! If you are the only person in your group that can keep a level head when there is pressure then everybody will look up to you!
Look people in the eyes when you talk to them! This is very obvious but notice how other people in your group simply don't do this. It makes a big difference to women if you're able to look them in the eyes when you speak to them.
Stop fidgeting! Find a comfortable place for your hands whether you're sitting or standing and keep them there.
Speak slowly, calmly and confidently! Don't rush your words! If you do this then you can also more easily concentrate on cutting out the "ums" and "ers" from your speech.
Your movements need to be slow and controlled. Never use fast jerky movements that make you look like you're panicking.
Confidence. A true alpha male exudes confidence in everything that he does. Confidence can come in all shapes and sizes, but it does NOT mean that he is cocky. Being arrogant or bragging is a sign of weakness, not a strength and should be avoided at all costs. In fact, this is actually a sign of a beta male, which is the exact opposite of an alpha male.
Don't make a big deal about beautiful women. That's right. Beautiful women know that they are easy on the eyes and they know that men will look at them. There is nothing wrong with a quick glance, but don't stare furiously at them, nine times out of ten this will not attract women.
Be the centre of attention. A person who is happy in their own skin generally commands respect from other people. An confident male is just that. With the correct body language, you can indeed be the centre of attention and ensure that women around you take notice.
Do not be needy. This is one of the biggest turn offs for a woman and goes hand in hand with being insecure. Show that you are an independent guy and that you are in control of your own destiny. These are 4 alpha male characteristics that you should really try and make an effort to adopt into your daily life.
Confident and Witty - A guy who's confident is good and all, but an overconfident guy is a jerk! Being confident is something that you will have to work on for years; it isn't something that you can instantly apply whenever you want to! If you are already confident about yourself, then remember to use your wits whenever talking with girls. Women love men who are confident but sensible too.
Charisma - This is another trait that is very difficult but not impossible to master. Charisma is the ultimate attraction factor for most females to males; it acts like a magnet that attracts the opposite sex to each other. Have you ever wondered why some attractive girls would love standing in a corner without her friends with her? That's your answer; charisma.
You must be a leader. is pretty easy to pick out the leaders and followers at any gathering. The alpha male stands out as the guy who is relaxed and confident around women, he doesn't slouch and doesn't seem nervous. He speaks with confidence, no one questions his authority and no woman is immune to his charm. He does not project low self-esteem or lack of confidence with his body language or loss for words. He can make a decision without the opinion of others.
Alpha Male Characteristics - Alpha Male Traits
Reviewed by David Stevens
1:05 PM