
Beta Male Characteristics Part 2

Beta Male Characteristics

If you are reading this article then I assume you think you have in some way, characteristics that could be interpreted as something that a beta male would do. Here we are going to go over some things that you may or may not find are things that you do. I don't want to waste your time so let's get started.

Self Pity

The first characteristic we are going to talk about is self pity. In recent years the self pity crowd has really grown in numbers and it is really interesting to see. The beta male is someone who lets life get them down, the type of person who rolls with the punches, then goes home and complains about having to roll with the punches. To erase this trait you need to do two things, first understand that life is unfair and having things go nothing as you planned is completely normal. Think about people you know who are constantly complaining about how life is treating them, the funny thing is a lot of these times the people will know what they have to do to get better! I know you have that friend that is like "I have to get off my butt and get a job and everything will get better" then you see them a year later and they haven't done anything to get there but can still complain about their current situation. DO NOT BE THAT GUY. The second thing you can do is to try really hard not to complain and see that bad side of things. If you meet an alpha male you are never going to hear about how hard their life is.

Constantly Trying To Please

The second major trait of the beta male is that they are always trying to please. This could be anyone from their mother to the drive through guy when they go out to eat, no matter who it is they are always trying to please them. The beta male might say something like " I hate conflict," which is the worst mentality possible to become an alpha male because you are going to come across conflict in life and trying to avoid it is weak and people will recognize that. I am not saying here that you need to go and get in a fight but you do need to be straightforward and honest with people and don't be afraid if they are disappointed or disagree with you.


The beta male is more or less defined by this one trait. Avoiding is something the beta male does best because they have spent years learning how to fly under the radar and staying away from conflict. This is similar to procrastination but on a larger scale. The beta male procrastinates but also avoids anything that might make him uncomfortable, if boss told the beta male next time he sees him they need to talk then the beta male will hide and try to avoid putting themselves in an uncomfortable situation. The alpha male tackles all problems head on because he knows that avoiding things is a waste of time and takes away from time he could be doing other more productive things. If you have problems in your life that you have been putting off, take care of them! You will be surprised how good you feel when you start to take some of the weight off your shoulders that you carry around for no reason.
Beta Male Characteristics Part 2 Beta Male Characteristics Part 2 Reviewed by David Stevens on 2:13 PM Rating: 5

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