
How To Become An Alpha Male With Body Language

How To Become An Alpha Male With Body Language

Men, I have found 3 odd tricks that give you a psychological edge when attracting women. These 3 bizarre suggestions put you at the very top of the "pick up" game (and believe me, it's a game and should be treated like it is).

No longer will girls look down on you. And the amazing news is you do not have to become a jerk to set these tips to start working.

Remember, girls are creatures guilty of "thinking too much" and that's what we'll use to get the upper-hand and get them into bed much quicker, much hornier, and even more willing to do what we ask. Are you prepared?

Tip #1 - Master The Art of Not Caring

You have to not care about the result of a chat session or date with a girl. After she can see that you care, she's got you by the proverbial balls. And there is no returning from that. You must master the art of not caring about any result. You have to have the aloofness. Girls are naturally good at being but it drives them insane when you turn it around on them,. And they need what they can not have. Don't do it.

These tip is not about being mean. But it is about not putting women up on some pedestal that is high. Because as soon as you put them up there, they aren't coming down! For example, do not simply tell them they seem nice. Say something such as this in a playful way: "You look fine tonight but I'm not certain I like those shoes. Are you trying to compensate for how brief you're?" It gives instant connection without putting her up too high. keep it light, flirty, and playful and you are golden.

Suggestion #2 - Don't Buy Girls Drinks, Dinner or Presents

It gives off the feeling that everything will be paid for by you. You should realize that when women visit a bar they're planning on men buying them drinks. I've even had women tell me that when they're broke, they still visit the bar because they usually drink for free. That's outrageous in my opinion! You must break this mental wall. It's OK to be economical. You decide to meet and if you are chatting with a girl, pick a spot like a coffee shop, not dinner. You do not want if you do not enjoy someone to sit through an entire meal. I can't tell you how often I have whisked girls home to my bed after a quick meet up in a coffee shop. And I didn't even pay for her coffee! It's the same thing with presents. The woman are strictly off limits until after you've slept with them. Then it's OK to reward their favorable behavior with presents.
How To Become An Alpha Male With Body Language How To Become An Alpha Male With Body Language Reviewed by David Stevens on 10:51 AM Rating: 5

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