
The Road From Loser To Winner - How To Be A Winner in Life

As I have gone through my life and business career I have found that the largest determining factor of my success in life was my attitude about it. I choose whether I am going to win at a task or whether I will lose. I choose if I want to be happy or I want to be miserable.

As you read through the poem decide how you want to live your life.

Winner vs. Loser

The Winner - is always part of the answer;

The Loser - is always part of the problem;

The Winner - always has a program;

The Loser - always has an excuse;

The Winner - says "Let me do it for you;"

The Loser - says "That's not my job;"

The Winner - sees an answer for every problem;

The Loser - sees a problem for every answer;

The Winner - sees a green near every sand trap;

The Loser - sees two or three sand traps near every green;

The Winner - says "It may be difficult but it's possible;"

The Loser - says "It may be possible but it's too difficult."


Let' start today and be a Winner

The Road From Loser To Winner

This article is written for the countless millions who are struggling with inner conflicts caused by low self esteem. Many wonder if there is a secret formula or perhaps a personality transplant that will bring instant happiness. They are secretly struggling with self doubt and self pity because they feel that they are worthless. They lack the "IT" factor. Society has ingrained in our collective psyche that we must be winner, a shining star, someone to be envied. So they take solace in fantasizing themselves living a glamorous life, while all the while they are living with feelings of apprehension and wallowing in "woe is me" mentality.

We look at those personalities who are in actuality narcissist and attribute to them some mystique which we look upon in admiration. The media is filled with stories of individuals whose aberrant behavior is classified as the musings of a free spirit. Those with low self esteem may even denounce such behavior and at the same time day dream of living such a life. Such behavior dominates the media and reaches the more impressionable young people. We are creating a generation of desensitized individuals whose main goal is to become known, to be seen as having the "IT" factor. Never mind those with the "IT" travel down different roads.

There are those who should be envied because of their contributions to society. These are the pillars that one should try to emulate. Most people however will never attain greatest or stardom. My intent is to address those issues, traits, behaviors and introspection that help inform those people who feel boxed in. They live each day shy, unsure, confused, envious, depressed and I dare say having suicidal thoughts.


First let me address some common sense steps that immediately have an effect on ones demeanor. Bear in mind that the image you project outwardly is the image that you project inwardly. Much of what I am saying you've probably heard before, the fact is that the advice is ignored. Your physical appearance is an indicator of your inner core.

Physical -

1. Do not slouch! Your shoulders and back should be straight, head up and projecting a sense of power.
2. Hair should be neat and well groomed. The style is not as important as cleanliness. Men should have ear and nose hair trimmed. Women should find out which hair style best accentuates their face.
3. Teeth should be well maintained and breath fresh. Probably the single most important factor in developing self esteem is having a winning smile. If your teeth are yellow or crooked you have a tendency to keep your mouth shut, thus you will not smile. People will then assume that you are either unfriendly or do not like them. If you cannot afford dental work there are still some things you can do. You can turn the outer corner of your lips slightly upward without tightening your lips. Do not pucker your lips to cover up. You can also project a smile with your eyes. While slightly squinting, think about something that makes you happy. This will put a gleam in your eyes and has the same effect as a smile.
4. Clothes should be pressed and fit well. Even overweight people can dress neatly and project an air of confidence. Men should wear clothes that fit. They should not have their gut hanging over their belt. Women should wear clothing that is age appropriate and the proper length.
5. Having done this, take a good look in a full length mirror. See what others are seeing and spend some time practicing how you comport yourself. When you are happy with yourself you project that image to others.
6. Ask a friend or confidant to give you an honest appraisal of how you are viewed. Most of us have a different perception of ourselves than the actual image as seen by others.
7. It is not your physical shortcomings that prevent you from being a successful, happy, well adjusted and well respected individual, it is how you think and present yourself that is the key.
It is your state of mind.


1. Eliminate all negative thoughts as well as negative people. Surround yourself with people that have a positive outlook on life. Study successful people. Both good and bad role models have one thing in common, they are focused. The intense ability to focus on a desired outcome is the main ingredient in achieving the "IT."
2. It is important is to listen. One of the worse human trait is we have a tendency to talk about ourselves incessantly and do very little listening. Make others your focal point and express interest in them and soon they will seek you out.
3. Compliment others when appropriate.
4. Become an expert. Everyone has something that they like or are good at. Learn everything there is to know about that subject and be known as the go to person.
5. Bear in mind that success is a state of mind. Yes, some people are successful or famous because they happen to be at the right place at the right time but those are the exceptions.
6. Your level of success is dependent on your level of commitment.
7. Visualize yourself as being successful. Whenever possible close your eyes and see yourself living the lifestyle of your choosing.
8. Read self help books and study the premise behind the "Law of Attraction."
9. With will and focus anything is possible.


1. Control of your emotions is paramount in achieving success and happiness. It is through self mastery of emotions that we are able to concentrate on the task of personal fulfillment.
2. Restructuring of your personality or essence cannot be achieved if one is in conflict with opposing circumstances or personalities.
3. Human emotions divert our attention from self fulfillment which impacts our collective psyche and diminishes our will and focus. This can eventually lead to low self esteem and possibly depression.
4. Throughout the ages self mastery of human emotions was seen by the sages and well known thinkers to be essential. Many of these thinkers and now some of the "New Thought" proponents stress the ramifications and some even tie self mastery to immortality.

The road from loser to winner is achievable. As previously stated it is highly dependent on will and focus. To the degree one succeeds depends on the level of commitment to those goals. There is a level playing field so it is incumbent upon the individual to make the best of their opportunities with the attributes they have been given. Each of us has within them the "IT" factor.

How to Stop Being a Loser in Life

We all live in a world where there are winners and losers. There can only be two outcomes, either you win or you lose. Whatever we do can somehow be a competition and depending on the result, you will either be branded as the winner or the loser.

Personally I hate losing. And not surprisingly, I'm sure most of you will agree with me that losing is one of the most devastating outcomes to you especially if it's something you've been working on for a long time. So how do you step up and be a winner?

Specifically I want to talk about how to be a winner in life. Because life is a race that everybody is running for right? Your future wealth is one of the main denominators of your success, but your future happiness is the ultimate goal towards winning the race in which we call life. Firstly, mentally you have to play to win. Because if you're not even mentally prepared in the first place, how are you going to win at anything? That is why sometimes underdogs have surprise wins. It's because they believed that they could beat the stronger opponent. To prepare yourself mentally, I strongly encourage you to participate in any competition. It could be in sports competition or even debate competitions.

It doesn't really matter because all I want to do is bring out the fighting spirit in you. No matter who you are, competition brings the best out of yourself due to the strong desire to win. And because mentally you really want to win, you do all you can to prepare yourself before the competition. You train harder than usual, you take up lessons and you do all you can to win!

So this all applies to how we prepare ourselves for the future. If you do not want to be branded as a loser, plan now on what you want to do. How much you want to make to support your family well? What do you intend to do to get that amount of money? PREPARE YOURSELF MENTALLY to do whatever it takes to make your plan a success. Set up goals to help carve your path to success. Another thing I also want to stress about is the importance of not giving up.

Losers tend to give up after a couple of tries whereas winners keep trying till they succeed. And to me, that is the main difference between losers and winners. The logic is actually pretty simple, winners never lose because they refuse to lose! So starting today, always have the winner's mentality in whatever you do. ALWAYS PLAY TO WIN!

Choose to win the game of LIFE by achieving your own financial freedom!

How To Be A Winner in Life Quotes :

1- You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.
Zig Ziglar

2- If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.
Paul Bryant

3-Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that's more productive.
Donald Trump

4- It's easy to have faith in yourself and have discipline when you're a winner, when you're number one. What you got to have is faith and discipline when you're not a winner.
Vince Lombardi

5- I knew I was a winner back in the late sixties. I knew I was destined for great things. People will say that kind of thinking is totally immodest. I agree. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way - I hope it never will.
Arnold Schwarzenegger

6-You cannot allow your desire to be a winner to be diminished by achieving success before and I believe there is room for improvement in every sportsman.

Lionel Messi

7-If you're going to be a winner in life, you have to constantly go beyond your best.
Robert Kiyosaki

The Road From Loser To Winner - How To Be A Winner in Life The Road From Loser To Winner - How To Be A Winner in Life Reviewed by David Stevens on 6:09 PM Rating: 5

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